
Artificial Intelligence has made it easier for businesses to streamline their operations and achieve better results. With smarter AI marketing tools at hand comes better trend analysis for making data-driven decisions and generative AI to build copy and images. 

The go-to trend for many beginner marketers and small business owners has been to use their new AI toys to simply crank out more content and at a faster rate. This leads to flooded content channels that may not always be effective at converting readers. So even with access to AI tools for marketing content the same basic principles for managing marketing campaigns still apply.

AI marketing tools facts

Let’s look at the key areas that are best influenced by AI marketing tools.

SEO Campaigns – There have been a lot of updates recently to Google’s search algorithm but the basic tenets of search engine optimization remain relatively the same. Good SEO starts with proper keyword research and continues with implementation of optimized content. AI marketing tools can do the heavy lifting with keyword trend analysis, content idea generation and for finding content gaps.

Pay-per Click Campaigns – Just as with SEO tasks, generative AI tools can be used for creating content for PPC campaigns across different media platforms. Use them to create copy that converts, drafting art assets and more.

Customer Interactions  – AI-powered chatbots provide instant responses and personalized experiences. Chatbots use natural language processing to understand customer queries and provide relevant information or solutions. They can handle multiple queries simultaneously, improving customer satisfaction and reducing response time.

Personalized Marketing Campaigns – AI marketing tools can analyze customer data to create personalized marketing campaigns. By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, these tools can deliver tailored content and offers to each individual. This level of personalization improves customer engagement and boosts conversion rates.

Better Email Marketing – AI marketing tools for email marketing automate the creation and delivery of personalized email campaigns. AI algorithms can analyze customer data to determine the best time to send emails and create subject lines that resonate with recipients. These tools can also optimize email content based on customer preferences, increasing open rates and click-through rates.

AI Tools for Streamlining Business Operations

So now that you know which areas of your marketing strategies can be improved with AI marketing tools let’s discuss which tools you should take into consideration. 

AI Marketing Tools for SEO

Audit your website and use AI tools to write optimized content for search engines. In order for your AI marketing tool of choice to craft targeted copy about your business you will need to provide data about your business that’s included in the right prompt to get the most out of it.

Once you have locked down the keywords, business data, brand identity and product or service offerings you can begin generating content. Here’s a short list of AI SEO tools to get you started.

  • SEOBot – Provides keyword analysis and content creation
  • SEO Content AI – optimizes content for search engines and improves online presence with high-quality, long-form content. 
  • Content at Scale – content automation platform that enables users to generate high-quality, SEO-optimized content at scale. 

AI Marketing Tools for PPC

Anyone that has managed PPC campaigns before knows that they require constant maintenance. Ads go stale and need to be refreshed and keyword bids fluctuate. Not to mention design assets needed for display ads. Luckily there are some pretty robust AI marketing tools to help with that.

  • – generates conversion-focused ad creatives.
  • Tune the Ads – Generate ads in just a few clicks and boost Google Ads conversion rates.
  • AdsGency AI – Automated content generation, real-time analytics and omnichannel management.
  • Swipe File – Enables performance marketers, media buyers, and creative strategists to efficiently curate and manage their library of successful Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok ads. 

AI Marketing Tools for Customer Interactions

Content marketing has really taken off in the past few years and website owners are keen to use their top of funnel content to pull in sales…eventually. But what if you could grab readers’ attention straight away and get a dialogue going? This is where AI chatbots come into play. 

You can now embed your own virtual agent into your website which is available 24/7 to answer user queries and divert them towards products that fit their needs. We’ve had a chance to look over a number of these agents and here are the ones that really stand out:

  • Tidio Lyro –  Lyro understands context, remembers previous replies, and generates detailed answers to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • DocsBot – Create chatbots trained to automate customer support and provide instant answers.
  • Eesel – Adds a chat widget to external websites, transforming into a powerful support agent for resolving customer queries.
  • My AskAI – Setup a website chatbot in less than 2 minutes. 

AI Marketing Tools for Email Marketing

Email marketing is very popular among some niches and with a targeted list of contacts it is all some marketers even rely on. Studies have shown that out of all marketing channels that AI’s main uses are focused in this area. 

AI Marketing tools are being used for personalizing copy, writing email titles optimized for better open rates and even for scheduling emails for the times they are most likely to be opened. Here are some AI email marketing tools worth giving a shot:

  • GetResponse AI Email Generator – Create engaging emails and industry-optimized subject lines and content.
  • SmartLead – AI-powered email marketing with personalized emails, automate follow-ups, and improve email deliverability. 

Marketing Automation

AI-powered marketing automation can streamline repetitive marketing tasks, such as ad generation email campaigns and social media postings. This saves time and resources, allowing marketers to focus on long term strategic activities and creative initiatives while business owners focus on everything. AI marketing automation is something that can be configured in-house or outsourced to a qualified AI automation agency.

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Kevin is a digital marketing expert with a previous 10 years worth of experience working in IT. He understands the nuances of sourcing the right IT resources to drive results for organizations.

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